Useful Facts and Figures about Markets, Ageing and Consumers. Fertility and Longevity trends. Migration data and population trends.
Quotes to remember. Quotes to provoke. Academics and Researchers and Business People speak on Ageism, Growing Old, shifting demographics and much more.
What can the academic researchers tell us? How does culture affect fertility or colours affect our behaviour? What are the Ig Nobel Prizes? How does our mind create the associations that drive our behaviour?
Ageism in a business will destroy its future. Stereotypes of age and why they are negative. Workforce discrimination and ageing demographics. The emergence of consumer ageism. The enemy within and self fulfilling stereotypes.
How demographics are restructuring markets. The implications are huge. The end of the European consumer market. The youth markets are gone. The "retired markets" are the only ones growing. Fertility and Longevity driving change. Healthy ageing consumers and the power of the cities.
The ageing consumer is here to stay. Firms need to understand them better. Consumers' ages of life, felt versus chronological age, the ageing of decision making, perception and the body will change the nature of competition.
Clues for rebuilding the business around an older consumer. Age neutrality as an objective. Service failure and recovery are different. The ageing senses need stimulation but not too much noise.
Examples of the Good, the Bad and the Ageist. Cases of firms successfully adapting to the ageing consumer and those that have not. Examples of ageism against consumers.
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John Bateson
Professor of Management
Leading Researcher on the Ageing of Consumers. Visiting Professor of Management at City, London University.
He was a Senior Partner in the MAC Group, SVP at Gemini Consulting and a member of the Group Executive Committee of the Cap Gemini Group. He was CEO of SHL a publicly listed company in the UK and led a "public to private" management buy out. He has chaired multiple businesses.
Previously Professor of Marketing at the London Business School and the Stanford Business School. Author of multiple books and articles on Services Marketing. Dr Bateson holds a Doctorate in Marketing from the Harvard Business School and and an MBA from the London Business School.